Tuesday, March 11, 2008


I received a letter from Nancy Cole the author of TAPESTRY OF LIFE......years ago, she was praying for me for a soul mate...not yet.....and maybe never but that is fine I am so content with my life. I am going to call her prayers that she has written A Tapestry of Life too and so the prayers you see in this section are from her book.

Tapestry of Life
Father, (I say Heavenly Father) help me to cast down every imagination--every thought that is not profitable for me to hold onto. In the name of JESUS, keep me from letting my thoughts wander; help me to train my thoughts according to Your Word. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Father, I thank you for creating me in Your image. Help me to be perfected into the image of Jesus; help me t see myself as You see me - not as I see myself, or even as the world sees me. Then if there are things I must change, show me what those things are - and give me the courage and the discipline and the ability to make the changes. Please heal me from a poor self-image and change my perspective into Your perspective of me. I thank you, Father, that You can do through me what I cannot do alone. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Father, I desire to develop the art of gracious living. In Jesus' name, I ask You now to fill me with the grace of your dear Son, that I might in turn be gracious with others. As You teach me, Lord, help me to be willing to use what You teach me in my daily living, in a way that blesses my family and others. In Jesus name, I thank You for hearing and answering my heart's prayer today. Amen.

Father, Help me to be all that I can be, to change what I can change, and to accept the identity You gave me. I know there is no one like me so please help me to accept myself, single, in the state in which You created me. Take all frustration from me, and all fear. Give me the grace to wait, in purity, for that special one You may prepare for me to marry. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

Father, please direct my steps according to Your Word. I desire to wait on You, because only You know what's best for me. Please give me patience, and guide me toward the future You have planned for me and away from paths that will take me in other directions. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

"Hevenly Father, thank you for the privilege of having influence on the direction my arrow flies. Please always keep my Target in front of me in Jesus name I pray, Amen". Victoria (2004).

Prayers of the Bible:
Cain for mercy~~Gen. 4:13-15
Abraham for a son~~ Gen. 15:1-6
Abraham for Sodom~~Gen. 18:20-32
Hagar for consolation~~Gen. 21:14-20
Rebekah for understanding~~Gen. 25: 22-23
Manoah for guidance~~Judges 13:8 ( great read to finish chapter)
Samson for strength~~Judges 16:29
David for help~~1 Samuel 23:10-13
David for a blessing~~2 Samuel 7:18-29
Samuel for wisdom~~I King 3:6-14
Jabez for prosperity~~I Chron. 4:10
David for grace~~Psalm 25:16
Daniel for knowledge~~Daniel 2:17-23
Leper for healing~~Matthew 8:2-3

A few of my prayers from my journals:

Each day pray for Israel and the Jewish people and Peace in Jerusalem. Pray for Israel's service men and women.

I refuse to be afraid of this weapon the devil has brought against me; because I know that according to your word, it can not prosper. I trust you to protect me and I thank you for it now. In JESUS name, Amen.

Heavenly Father,
Please stop every path of temptation, In JESUS name, Amen.

Each morning I always pray the Lord's Prayer and I plead the blood of JESUS over my son and others; our schools and public places and our churches........etc.

Heavenly Father,
I confess that I don't understand the depth of love you display for me. I am forever indebted to you for your selfless gift of love. Thank you, In JESUS name, amen....Victoria

Heavenly Father,
It is hard to imagine the depth of your love for me. Thank you for dying for me. Lord, forgive me for doubting you and your care for me. I know that no matter what I am facing you are beside me and carrying me, giving me the strength and wisdom I need. In JESUS name, amen.

Heavenly Father,
In times of difficulty you are my strength. Thank you Lord for your gift of salvation and for your guidance each day. I love you, In Jesus name, Amen.

Heavenly Father,
I don't want to be held captive any longer by resentment or bitterness. I forgive________ and ask that you would free me from the bondage of unforgiveness, In JESUS name, amen.

Heavenly Father, please cleanse me and cover me with your blood~~please forgive me from anything and everything that will hinder me from the Holy Spirit or doing your work and will. Thank you Jesus for all you have done for me. I will not fear, thank you for my healing. I am your vessel God, and your property.....please use me in JESUS name, amen. (unknown author).

Heavenly Father, I want to know what you are teaching me. If I can't know at this time, I trust you with all my heart. As time goes on I know you will reveal to me what you are teaching me. In JESUS name, amen.

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