Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy JESUS day!

I do not celebrate sure and take your children to a church function where they celebrate JESUS and dress your children like people of the bible.........I am not against anyone that does...........just for me I know this day is not of God..........The month of November, I will give suggestions of holiday decorating and not too early to start preparing for Christmas........Enjoy your day and thank JESUS for all his blessings. Praying for each of you.....that visits me site.........Blessings from God to you.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Unanswered prayer? "If I had cherished sin in my heart, the Lord would not have listened".
~~Psalm 66:18. Jesus will forgive your sins, you only need to ask and be (Romans 10:9-13)".

Alone? "God sets the lonely in families". ~~Psalm 68:6

Did you know God counts your tears and sorrow? "Record my lament; list my tears on your scroll--are they not in your record?". ~~Psalm 56:8
For anyone on Medicare....visit and sign up for their free newsletter by email. They will keep you informed of the latest on Medicare.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

For help with medicine I hope they can help you or a family member.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Always turn your blue jeans inside out to wash....and wash in cold water. Never use can mix with other dark clothes.....air dry and turn right side can use a bit of vinegar to keep the color in.

Hair styles are outdated if they are a complicated style. Go for soft and natural free flowing....I have my hair cut one length and parted on the side right at the base of my neck....I can wear this style another 50 years!

Great curls are best on women with long hair, per me! I also prefer my hair cut when I have dry hair.......then you can see the exact style.....when our hair is is a bit longer. This should also save you $$ buy not having to wash your hair in the salon.

Viruses that cause colds and the flu stay in the air for two hours but can linger on surfaces for up to 72 hours.

If you are congested and have a slight fever, you may be suffering from a cold. A cough, aches, and exhaustion and higher fever usually means you have the flu.

These tips are from ALL YOU and me!

The older you get, the happier you are. About 50% of people in their 80's are very happy, but only 33% of 18 year olds say the same. I believe its due to the fact that as we age and mature we see what life is really about.........Jesus, love, family, friends,etc. We are not in a race to conquer life.....we have lived it.

If you have to have help with hormones........Praise JESUS I do is a number for a free sample of (While suppliese last.)

Make sandwiches fun or pretty by using cookie cutters to cut out the cheese........

Use a pumpkin to make a pretty center piece for your Thanksgiving meal........cut off the top and add sure to clean out the pumpkin.

Search for beautiful brooches and place in design to one side of your lamp shade.
"I will lie down and sleep in peace, for you alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety".
~~Psalm 4:8

"Listen to my cry for help, my KING and my GOD, for to you I pray. In the morning, O Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation".
~~Psalm 5:2-3

"The sorrows of those will increase who run after other Gods."~~Psalm 16:4

"Keep me safe, O God, for in you I take refuge. I said to the Lord, You are my Lord; apart from you I have no good thing".~~Psalm 16:1-2

"I will praise the Lord, who counsels me; even at night my heart instructs me. I have set the Lord always before me. Because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken".~~Psalm 16:7-8

"You armed me with strength for battle; you made my adversaries bow at my feet".
~~Psalm 18:39

Freebies and get your choice of free samples! for a chance a free things.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Being Saved

Saved is not a feeling.........being saved is following Romans 10:9-13 and having faith that moment you asked JESUS into your heart and the forgiveness of your sins and you are following him. When you have at times in your life felt unsaved and doubt that you are saved after being saved........REMEMBER Saved is not a feeling. I was born again in the summer of 2001.......I had backsliden.......and in 2001 I was sick and tired of being in I fully surrendered to JESUS him my life........and Praise JESUS I am still strong in the Lord and getting stronger each day. There have been times since 2001 that I felt unsaved.......due to a cuss word or a thought or not feeling like I could pray..........I have found many people have felt this way........Believe me when I tell you saved is not a feeling. Ask for forgiveness of your sin and press on to JESUS.......there will be days we feel very saved and days we may feel like we have lost our luster to to him, he forgives and will give you direction. Know that JESUS loves you. Read the word and draw closer to JESUS........he is wanting all of us to give him time each day. Blessings to each of you.

Scripture for Today

"Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing. In everything give thanks: for this is the will of GOD in CHRIST JESUS concerning you". ~~~I Thessalonians 5:16-18

"There is therefore now NO condemnation to them which are in CHRIST JESUS, who walk not after the flesh, but after the spirit".~~~Romans 8:1

Monday, October 20, 2008

Sexual Sin

My life could be a movie as most of our testimonies can. I was listening to Carolyn Pankalla on VTN one day and she was talking about her life and her new CD....Broken Into Beautiful. I wish I had thought of that sentence. Check out her So I am calling my testimony Broken into day I will share with you my testimonies. I have many........and JESUS receives all the glory and honor.

Today I want to talk on sexual sin and I have many notes and scriptures I will be sharing. Since I re-dedicated my life to JESUS in the summer of 2001........I stand on this scripture. "Come now and let us reason together, says the Lord......"though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool". ~Isaiah 1:18.

As sinners and when we become saved we are broken into beautiful. How precious our Lord is.........Jesus Christ who will always give us a way out before we sin. Have you noticed that as you think back on your past sins or the sin you are in now. It is our choice to sin........I know people can somewhat force us in a verbal matter or sometimes physical.....God can turn everything around for us...but we still have a choice......what satan meant for bad JESUS gives us good from it. Being alone can be very sad and I tell you I have had many years of being alone. In human form I am alone now, but I serve God and he gives me joy. This will be another story I will share with you one day.

Sexual sin is wrong.....we are harming our bodies. I want women and men to know of all ages that the Lord will forgive your sexual sin. We will be forgiven but we have to stop doing it. If you are pure........Praise the Lord......if you are not pure even if you are 16 or 56.......God will forgive you and you can be pure again sexually. I have been pure since 2001. I am 51. I have asked Jesus to forgive me and I am forgiven but I stopped the sin of sex. I am proud of my body and I am so proud that I am not in bondage due to the sexual sins I was comitting. I am free....I am forgiven in JESUS name. Some people call it Second Virgin........well that does not fit me.......I am PURE again.........I serve JESUS Christ our Lord and Master our King.......our Savior and I am free from that bondage of sin. Jesus is with me and you everyday.........PSALM 139:17,18 "How precious to me are your thoughts, O God! Were I to count them, they would out number the grains of sand. When I awake, I am still with you". No one thinks about you as much as lover or husband or family member.........this is such a great scripture........YOU are loved by almighty GOD. If you are in sexual sin..........ask JESUS to forgive you help you not to commit that sin again. Pray the Lord will put a Godly man/woman in your path and you can share a relationship with her/him and both serve JESUS.......Save yourself for your marriage and if you are engaged now.....stop the sex until you are both will have more respect for each other. I pray that each of you will have a relationship that you both serve JESUS.........(Romans 10:9-13). Then your marriage will be sure to stop and confess your sin and ask Jesus into your heart. Romans 10:9-13 will tell you how.

Even people that don't believe in GOD have surveys that show if a couple stays pure before marriage, they will have a 98% chance of having a great marriage and a long one until death do you part. You should know the Holy Bible is the word of GOD and is true now and has always been true and yes........the old testament is true and goes along with today.

Premartial sex is repeatedly condemned in scritpure. Acts 15:20, Romans 1:29, 1 Cornithians 5:1, 6, 13, 18, 7:2, 10:8, 2 Cornithians 12:21, Galations 5:19, Eph: 5:3, Colossians 3 (this chapter also shows you rules for holy living.), 1Thess. 4:3, Jude 7...........I will have more to follow.

God only approves of sex between a husband and wife. This is the only sexual relations GOD aproves of.......Hebrews 13:14. God does not want to rob us of sexual pleasure...he created it........but to protect us of all the consequences sex before marriage brings.

God said sex outside marriage is immoral: Matthew 15:19, I Cornithians 6:9, 6:13, 7:2, 2 Corinthians 12:21, Galations 5:19, Eph: 5:3.........

Anyone who has made the mistake of having sex outside marriage can be forgiven in JESUS name. Even if the mistakes result in pregnancy and illegitimate birth.......see I John 1:9. When we commit a sin the first time, the Holy Spirit hits us like a brick...the impact is enormous and gets our attention. If we continue in our sins and keep them alive.......soon the impact of the Holy Spirit is diminished. Eventually we are not even noticing the sins we commit. The more we sin, the easier it is to sin........a person will become so desensitized that they don't even know the Holy Spirit is around. You do not want your life to become like that. It will be horrible.

"Father please, help me to respond positively the first time the Holy Spirit impacts my conscience.........In JESUS name, amen." Say this prayer each day.

Moving in a couple.......not hopes to marry........seeing this as a good test do not test if its true are to have a courtship with you boyfriend/girlfriend. Not play marriage........I don't care if its to save will not work.......You are disrepecting each other and if the man insists he is disrespecting you as a woman. If he loved you....he would marry you and set a date and not touch you until the wedding night and trust me ladies........if he does touch you before marriage he will not respect you and I believe that is why men in anger come back on their wives and talked to them with disrespect.......they can't respect gave in too easy........I don't care if he pushes you....then walk away from him.....It will NOT make him love you matter what they say........When you love your brother or sister or child and see them run across the road with a car yell and scream and say STOP DO NOT GO ACROSS THE STREET and you grab them trying to protect them.........our Heavenly Father knows the outcome of these things and sins, he wants his plan for our life.......and it is better than our plans. God's guidence is for our protection........sexual sin causes diseases, some that can't be with you for life unless God heals you and he can.

{Remember satan the evil one and his demons never shows us the outcome to sin~~if he one would want to sin.} No one would subject themselvea to such sorrow, pain and torment. The evil one makes sin look so attractive and so much fun...for a seaon.....the evil one, satan is a thief and liar....anda manulpliator.........our eyes get clouded trying to keep up with others and feel accepted. I promise you...every girl that has had sex before marriage is so sorry they did not wait until marriage and they should tell you the guy lost respect for her........he does not want to marry her.....he wants a good girl really. Most men like girls like their mothers. Then the emptyness you feel........can be hard to bare. Funny thing about satan he nags you to sin and then after you sin you are tormented. Then he goes to God and tattletales on you. Praise JESUS we have a savior that loves us and will forgive us and has mercy on us. Do not believe the lies of the devil. You can be forgiven on this it with a married man or single can be pure again. DO NOT MAKE A PERMANANT DECISION ON A TEMPORARY many of us do this.....and then we have to pay the price. A price that costs us more than we want to pay.

Jesus leads and is gentle. The devil pushes.....and rushes us.

Facts about premartial sex: Women who lived with a man before getting married are three times more likely to cheat on their husbands. Couples who live together and marry were less sexually satisfied. Living together is not a promise to being happy. From the book "Do You Really Love Me~~Jason Evert

A jealous boyfriend becomes a controlling man. Never marry on these reasons: I am tired of being alone........I am tired of being poor and doing without........I am tired of living with my will not work. Your relationship and marriage needs to follow the word of God.

When you start a relationship at any need a checklist of what you want in a man. I pray the top of the list is a man that serves JESUS and is filled with the Holy not settle for anyone less than what is on your list. I know of a lady that just got married and she is 31....still a virgin and is a Christian......she made a list long ago and did not part from that list and YES JESUS gave her a wonderful man and he is everything on her list. Even if you have sin with sex you can start fresh and make a list...........Purity is self-confidence. You will love yourself more and not make the mistakes you would if you keep living in sexual sin. I have never dated teh right man or married the right man. I am fine being alone. I know some of you are not at this point in your life and you are running and dating trying to find a husband but please do not rush into want a man that GOD sends to you.........God gives the best of not settle for less and you are worth more than you think you are. I am sure I will be writing more on this.......for now........I hope you will read and trust what I say and start living the way God wants you to live. Read Colossians Chapter 3 & 4........

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

A Must Virtual Tour

Please visit and click on virtual tour. Amazing........breathtaking.......enjoy!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Did You Know This

If you write in a special color you are sensitive expressive. If you are a punctuation person !!! you are a bubbly extrovert. If you tend to customize your font, you are a creative individualist. If you like all lower case you are a mellow charmer. If you love happy faces, you are a playful wit.

For your birds...chickadees and woodpeckers love black sunflower seeds. You will also attract blue jays and cardinals. Blackbirds and sparrows love millet and welcome doves and quail with corn.

Check your pollen and mold-spore counts in your area by visiting

The Cross

When the evil one (satan) comes at you.....stand strong.......he was defeated at the cross. He has no power over you at all. Jesus will cover you. You bind the evil one out loud in JESUS name. This is what I say out loud when the evil one tries to discourage me...........IN JESUS NAME, satan I bind you and your demons to the pits of hell where you have no power over me and my family due to the blood of JESUS Christ, you are to flee now...In JESUS NAME, Amen. He is under you feet.......send him have that authority. So when evil comes against you or sickness......send it to hell. To be saved and enter heaven....see Romans 10:9-13. Ask JESUS into your heart........tell him you are sorry for your can name them and you can also say all of them.......believe that JESUS died on the cross for you sins and ask him into your heart. Believe in the Father, Son and Holy Ghost and believe that JESUS died on the cross for you and all and that he was raised from the dead on the third day! YOU ARE SAVED and your name is in the Lamb's Book of Life.........then remember you are now different and give up your old ways. I love Colossians chapter 3.......Rules for Holy living. Read the word........and a student bible is great for a newly saved person. You will be able to understand the scriptures better. JESUS loves you and when you become saved the Angels sing and praise the Lord.........

Monday, October 6, 2008


Do not forget to go to the yard sales.......I found a beautiful vase for 25 cents and I love it.....I may use this vase to fill with Hershey Kisses or some kind of candy and give as a birthday gift or hostess gift........I have to get out and go to these each week.

The day is not over....raise your hands and worship JESUS for who he is and thank him today for all of your blessings seen and unseen. He loves us and wants us to talk to him.

Friday, October 3, 2008

More Tips

**If you are on a date and need the telephone to ring...your cell phone...this is supposed to be free for you. ........I don't know if you are charged minutes.....I would think you could use the service when you minutes are free.....

**You can use an ice cube for a shaving nick

**You can have your child's book printed without a publisher...even your book for $10 at I would make sure my book had copywright on it. If its fabulous.

**Set your ceiling fan to run counterclockwise and the room will feel 4 degrees cooler.

**Be sure to vacuum your pillows too.......use the brush attachment. Turn over your pillows to the other side to get even use with them.

**To prevent water spots rub your chrome fixtures with wax paper. The buff lightly. Also to make your shower curtains slide easier use wax paper on the rod. Place wax paper on the top of your refrigerator and each month replace it and you won't have to dust it. Use wax paper in the gears of your can opener and it will run smoothly when you are using.

**Free online


**Quick self-confidence a new lipstick.....give yourself a single rose.....I am confident and ready for the new day--say with positive people.

**Handbag makeover....tie a scarf around your handbag handles. I love to do this......clip on a leather flower or fabric flower.......use a beautiful brooch.........does your purse have a chain link? Weave a skinny ribbon through the links and tie into bows at the base of each strap..........that is what the designers at Chanel do.

**You can use your lipbalm to to make your cuticles moist. Now that is double duty.

Thursday, October 2, 2008


Here are things I found in All You and Woman's World to share. Many women are so busy they don't have time to read and find I hope you enjoy and can use these.

*Baby shampoo~~use to wash your makeup brushes.......I have also used gentle soap.....or all natural cleaning soaps.
*Cotton swabs~~keep a few Q-tips in the bottom of our cosmetic bag~~they will absorb spills and powders.
*Toothbrushes~~I use to clean around my sinks..also great for scraping offyour eyelash curler. Be very careful with eyelash curlers not to brake off and damage you lashes. I quit using mine about 25 years ago.
*My friend was told by her hair stylist that you have to make sure your cut matches your face. i.e. if you have a large nose then don't wear your hair in a cut that stops at your jaw law. Your nose will appear even bigger. I did not know make sure you really research your next new doo.
*A lady told me a few days ago.......chicken soup and broth is for colds and flu........if you are sick to your stomach you need a beef broth.......or beef veggie soup. That makes so much wonder when my stomach was upset the chicken broth or soup did nothing for me........Keep beef broth in your cabinets.
*If you are congested and have a slight fever, that is probably a cold. A cough, aches, exhaustion and higher fever usually means the flu.
*Feed a fever and starve a cold~~WRONG....if you feel up to it, you should eat. Your immune system is already weakened, eating right is essential to fighting off an infection.
*Going outside with a wet head will not make you sick. You have to be exposed to an actual virus in order to get a cold. Nevertheless....step outside with dry hair; the stress of getting chilled can take a toll on your immune system. I have to get something to go over my head.
*Make hamburgers fun by using cookie cutters to cut your cheese slices and add to burger.
*Toast some chopped walnuts, almonds, pecans or coconut (unsweetened) and add to your favorite pancake or waffle or muffin batter.
*Try chopped hazelnuts in your brownie mix, ground almonds in pie crust. Try sliced almonds with green beans, pecans in rice pilaf or pine nuts with broccoli. Yummy!
*If strawberries are out of season, make your salads with dried cherries or dried cranberries.
*Homemade granola makes a nice hostess gift in you place in a jar with beautiful ribbons.
*Slipcover for sofa, being freshly washed, place back on the sofa while its slightly damp....very little damp and it will mold to the right size of the sofa.
*Add flowers to a nice toothbrush holder putting the flowers in the holes.....pretty instant flower vase.
*Study shows that people spend 12-18% more when paying with a credit card than they do when spending cash. Here is a simple way to save money on each purchase. Put that savings in your piggy bank.
*Don't carry a lot of cash with you.....and don't use your credit or debt cards. Make a budget of your spending.
*If you take your care in for regular tune-ups, you will improve your gas mileage by up to 40%.
*I save my change.....if something cost $1.02 I give $2 and then save the change. That is how I have my hair styled. Next year I will be saving my change for one year and see how much I mount up.
*You can go to ( and unsubscribe from the catalogs you don't need. This will stop a lot of clutter for you.
*Drive 10 miles slower and you will increase your fuel efficiency by around 15%.
*Before making a purchase make sure you really want or need it. Go home and wait 24-48 hours and if you really still want it and can afford it then go buy it. One time I found beautiful rose stain glass night lights on and was really trying to watch my money.......they were over half off and you got this day..........I still want those and it has been 3 years. I should have bought them.
*Look at Sam's for coats and jackets and tops for women and men. I badly needed a lined coat for the Spring and Fall and found a London Fog coat that was lined.......for use in Spring andFall in black for $ Macy's it was $99 or $129........what a deal. (Victoria)
*If you have to drink out of a plastic water bottle.....turn upside down and if you see a triangle and have a bottle containing BPA.......don't drink from it.
*Don't boil and put into plastics. The containers made with BPA release a substance 55 times faster when filled with very hot water or soups, etc.
* Plastic wrap does not contain BPA but it does contain other chemicals that could be released if exposed to heat. I love frozen food by Cedar Lane and Amy's. They have their food in paper cartons but I still do not heat the plastic that cover it..I remove and put on a plate when I microwave and don't like using a microwave either.....I sure don't stand near on when its on.
*Only use pastic bottles with the number 2 on it. Ones made of Opaque.....the light weight bottles that most drinking water is in at the grocery store are BPA free, but don't reuse them at all.
*Ask your favorite store when they mark down. Some store start marking down on Saturday night.

The Revival

I am going to continue on with the most wonderful, uplifting revival I have ever heard. I spoke about it in September. Here are my notes on the revival September 21-24, 2008. Pastor Gorman talked about healing and forgiveness. He said they are tied together and they of course are. Every word Pastor Gorman preaches about is truth in the bible. How wonderful to hear a pastor preach the totally complete gospel. My notes are as follows. Destroy means to pulverize.....JESUS came to pulverize satan and the demonic works. Read Mark 2:1........Sickness is a result of the fall of man. Jesus came and died for us to bring back what Adam took from us! That is a powerful statement........Praise JESUS. We don't have to go through steps to be healed. Healing is a gift. Sickness is a result of sin. Faith releases sickness in our life. Many suffering from arthritis~~they have unforgiveness in them. Doctors have been saying lately that anger causes so many issues in our body and think about angry person is frowning, saying ugly things, hold bitterness, unforgiveness. their body is in constant turmoil........they are unhappy........I can't think of all the things right now, I feel like they will come to me.........that is a strain on our body........I know some people right now with horrible arthritis and they are very unforgiving people; they have it out with family members and day the Lord is going to allow me to talk to one of them for sure about her needing to has lasted for years. Jesus says to forgive and you will be forgiven. Unforgiveness is like a disease (Victoria), and I do believe it attacks the body.

God wants us to live in forgiveness. Pastor Gorman had us do an exercise.........if you are right handed open you left hand and take you right hand fingers and place the persons name in the palm of the left hand and keep tapping that palm with names of people you have not forgiven or that have hurt you..........he prayed a prayer with us for forgiveness and then asked us to pray a pray of blessing for them.......the ones that have hurt us.........when we forgiven the person that has done harm to usw..........give them to God and bless them.....THEN, JESUS can work with them.........changing their life..........but we have to forgive. I promise you will feel better. I don't want anything I do to hinder my blessings and health.

He also added the Holy Bible says that when we tithe and sow a seed God promises that our return will be 30%, 60% or 100%. I pray that you give from your heart and not to get something back........I pray you want to give because God has asked us to.......see Malachi 3:8-11........

When we are saved we are God's children and we are guaranteed to be in GOD'S ECONOMY! Do not fear what is going on in Wall Street and where you live.......if you are saved (Romans 10:9-13) and tithe to will be fine during this time........GOD will take care of us........that is his promise to us. So don't worry but be wise in your spending. Saving........but always always tithe first and sow seeds.......where JESUS leads you. I will be at a later time giving you scriptures about the rapture of the church.