Sunday, June 28, 2009

Do you know that you put chemicals in your body every day and also on your body???

For your skin, if you are not using pure products the chemicals are going in your bloodstream. My favorite line of products is 100% Pure. Susie is a scientist and part owner of 100% Pure. Because we put so many chemiclas on our body and into our body.........we are basically toxic from what I believe.........cut the toxic out and one way by helping is using Pure Products.........when a product says probably is not.......if they have just a pinch of anything natural in their product they can claim NATURAL..........but 100% Pure is all 100% Pure. Treat yourself to some great products and at least what you put on your body is for sure pure and they smell so delicious.....real fruit is used..........


Thursday, June 25, 2009

Deaths in Hollywood--What is hell like?

In the last few days the world has heard of three deaths of stars in Hollywood. So sad.....they won't be coming back.....I don't know where they were in their lives with Jesus.......but every time someone dies I think about where they could be. It is not for me to judge but I wonder if they ever accepted Jesus on their death bed or before. No matter what the stars did...or anyone is sad when they leave the earth.......Where was their heart? Did they know JESUS? Did they ever accept Jesus into their hearts. I don't know and I can't judge but it reminds me life is so short and like God says.......Our lives are just a vapor. What we do and leave behind can make a mark on someone else. When I think of death.......for Christians it is such joy....they have left earth and gone to Heaven and they are with JESUS CHRIST. If I know someone is not saved by JESUS CHRIST.....and they heart is so broken. The bible tells us what they will suffer forever and forever. I order some Christian tracts from ATS at The one I am going to tell you about is YOUR FIRST 6 DAYS IN HELL. I still read this tract.......I don't ever want to loose my focus on JESUS CHRIST.

For those that have not accepted JESUS as your personal Savior.......visit Romans 10:8-14 and ask JESUS CHRIST into your heart.

This will not be a vacation and you don't need to pack any luggage. DAY 1, This starts at the gate of death: The journey is only one coming back. As you pass through the door of death you will notice quickly that you are leaving light as you know it. You are entering utter darkness........the intensity of the darkness is matched only by the absence of any joyful music, no laughter, no sounds of you move farther, faint sounds of moaning and wailing become detectable. These sounds are coming through the darkness from every angle. You see a quick light, like a flame, yet the clouds are so thick of smoke, black smoke. You find yourself so obsessed to know the day and hour and time. It already feels like you have been here forever.

DAY 2, Darkness is yell and plea.....but to no avail. You have tremendous have never known this much fear.....Your eyes are trying to adjust the heat is unbearable. Hot, searing, intolerable heat. You crave water.....there is none. The air is thick, choking, miserable and its just day 2.

Day 3 , You have not slept one minute. You can't believe you are here. Where are the friends you thougt you would see? You are going to be alone in this horrible place end. Where is the fun you thought you would have in hell? You stumble upon a group of others. You pour out a litany of questions. As they open their mouths, no word come out only the sounds of weeping and wailing and nashing of teeth. You smell the sulfer smell.

DAY 4, How you wish you could send a message to those you love and let them know they don't want to come to this place. You want to warn them about this place but you can't. YOU CAN'T help but look back upon the day when you made your decision to come here. When you did not accept JESUS as your personal Savior. You were told or read that your rejection of JESUS CHRIST meant that you would spend eternity in hell, but it didn't seem real or important then. Looking back you think about how foolish you were to reject God's offer of salvation. You wish you could choose again.

DAY 5, You have become acutely aware of the absence of any good in this place. There is nothing sacred, nothing HOLY, nothing of GOD anywhere to be found. You are amazed at how evil evil can be. For the first time since your arrival you begin sense the great gulf that is fixed between where you are and where God is; others you know that loved JESUS and served him in Heaven and you can see them........they do not know you did not make it to tears in Heaven. You can see what you missed by rejecting Jesus Christ.

DAY 6, Through the darkness you saw a new face today. A new arrival. He stopped to speak to you. You could see the terror in his eyes. He asked questions that you had been asking only days before. You opened your mouth to reply, but all that could come out of your mouth was weaping and wailing.

All people in hell will have their own personal demons that give you constant torment. Your addictions on earth will still be with you in Hell.

If you are reading still have a chance to be saved.......Ask JEUS into your heart. Here is an example: Dear God, I want to never experience the hell I just read about. I believe you died on the cross for my sins. I believe you rose from the dead on the third day........ I believe in the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. I know you died for my sins. I confess all of my sinful thoughts and actions (you can name them if you like) I don't want to live in sin anymore but to serve YOU. I am so sorry for all that I have done wrong. Please forgive me. I want to serve you and have wisdom from you. I want to walk with you JESUS.........please save me now so I will live with you in Heaven forever. Thank you IN JESUS NAME AMEN.

Just talk to JESUS he loves you and is waiting to come into your heart and forgive you and all you need to do is ask him. Get into a good bible based church and read the word and don't not let satan tell you lies that you have done to much to long and can't be forgiven. JESUS LOVES YOU as will forgive you. We will still sin but we are forgiven by asking JESUS CHRIST TO FORGIVE US and try not to sin again. He knows we live in a fallen world and will be faced with temptations of the Evil one satan........and his demons.......but we are born again, saved and we are protected.......SEE PSALM 91.........We are God's children now and he loves us........and will take care of us if we trust in him. When satan comes and attacks you for living for JESUS.......bind in outloud to the pits of hell where he and his demons belong and will be going.........IN JESUS NAME, Satan I bind you and your demons to the pits of hell and you are to flee from me, my family my etc NOW IN JESUS NAME. They have to go its a command used in JESUS name. Satan and his demons are not afraid of GOD........and they know the bible word for word and that is why they try and confuse us but confusion is NOT FROM GOD. Jesus is gentle he leads....satan pushes and pushes and pushes us..........I pray that everyone that reads this writing will live for JESUS first by accepting him as your Savior. There will always be trouble in the world.......we live in a fallen earth........but Victory is here and Life better than we will ever know it is with JESUS and Heaven.

{scriptures confirming this post: Matthew 22:11013; Mark 9:43; Luke 16:20-31; Revelation 20:14,15}.

Monday, June 22, 2009


"Wait on the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord".~~Psalm 27:14

This is a very important verse in the bible and yet some people take this so lightly. We worry, fuss and have panic moods..some panic attacks and this takes from our day that we should have Joy in if we are saved by Jesus Christ. Take heart........Jesus does hear our prayers and he will answer them. His answer may be no but let me share with you a story of faith. Even if God's answer is no, like mine has been for many many years, I know and believe that JESUS will withold no GOOD thing from me. To me that means my good is coming.

Two ladies I go to church with needed cars really bad. I have been praying for both of them. A few months ago one lady was given a car by one of our single is an older car but running really good and this will get her around. We were all helping her get around at times. I started praying for her a car last year around fall.........of course others were praying too and JESUS delivered her car. a few months ago. ANSWERED PRAYER..SHE HAD A NEED. We don't have transportation in our town to get people where they need to be on time. They also don't plan on giving us more than the little bus that really goes in a circle. So living here a car is necessary.

Another lady I know has needed a better car for years and her 1990 car needed so much work it would have been impossible on her government check to have the money to fix that car.........she had been praying for years and I have been praying with her for the last 5 years........I know that seems like a long time but it is not a long time for JESUS.........she would sometimes get discouraged but always always knew that Jesus was going to give her a car.......and he did a few weeks ago. She came home on a Saturday, her daughter had to take her places, and in her drive way was a 1994 Mint Condition Black owner.....People in our church along with her family and friends have been praying.........she gets out in shock and then there is a note on the car that says....."I have your keys, call me"........she was so excited and started praising JESUS.....she called the number and the man from our church brought over the keys........she has no idea who gave this car to her and as for me I would not want to know because I would feel I owed that person something for the rest of my life.......this is the perfect example of the scripture "don't let your right hand know what your left hand is doing"........the car was given from the heart.......they did not want her to know who they were. This way she can really enjoy the car.......JESUS does answer prayer. My friends waited a long time and the last lady I told you about has wanted a nice car for 10 years or so.........when we don't get a quick answer from JESUS we think he has not heard us but he has and our blessings come in his perfect time. Maybe her faith grew a lot stronger while waiting.......look at the testimony she has on WAIT AND BE STILL AND KNOW THAT I AM GOD.....and all the glory will be given to JESUS. For those discouraged in waiting, I pray that these two examples will give you more hope, more strength, more closeness to JESUS and know that if you serve him he will bless you and he does fullfill your/our needs.....GOD IS ALWAYS ON TIME. KEEP THE FAITH in your prayers........stand strong on the word. JESUS HEARS YOU. HE also records your tears as he tells us in Psalm 56:8. Also remember "I WILL LIE DOWN AND SLEEP IN PEACE, FOR YOU ALONE, O LORD, MAKE ME DWELL IN SAFETY"~~Psalm 8. Now, raise those arms to the sky and thank JESUS for your prayer request that is coming to you answered.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Friday's Tips

***Use coffee filter grinds to scrub dish pans.
***Trade coupons with friends.
***Exfoliate your body using sugar...........I would use almond oil with sugar mix and use.
***Use clear mascara for brows to hold.
***Use your carboard from the paper towel and push store plastic grocery bags inside and place under your car seat for when you need to discard rubbish in your car.
***Use WD40 for soap scum and stains off your glass shower. (I have not tried this).
***Use coffee filters for polishing shoes.
***Use coffee filters to seperate dishes.
***Use coffee filtersto cover food while cooking in microwave. ALWAYS USE THE BROWN COFFEE FILTERS..........the white ones have bleach in tasting coffee use the brown coffee filters for no bitter taste.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


"Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee".~~Isaiah 26:3

"Let this mind be in your, which was also in Christ Jesus".~~Phil 2:5

"Now thanks be to God, which ALWAYS causeth us to triumph in Christ".~~II Corinthians 2:14

Read Phililippians 4:8 and treause these scriputures. We can accomplish anything in GOD's strength. HE is almighty. He is the POWER. Joel 3:10 "Let the weak say I am strong".

"Incline your ear, and come unto me; hear, and your soul shall live"~~Isaiah 55:3

"Talk ye of all his wondrous works".~~Psalm 105:2

STAY CALM and always remember JESUS WILL COVER YOU..........Remember not the big problem in front of you but remember HOW BIG GOD IS. We are always going to have trouble on this sinful wonderful that JESUS paid the price for us....all we need to do is accept him (Romas 10:8-13)...and he did not charge us anything.......he died because he loved us..........can we really understand that kind of love? I can't........but I know it is true. I have never been loved or felt love like the Love JESUS gives. Like Pastor Hagin said, "The more you think about the problem instead of the PROBLEM SOLVER, the weaker your faith becomes".

Jesus always stands waiting for you. JESUS told me back in July 2004, "I will carry you through the storm and the waves will but push you to me, Victoria to the desired port. JESUS told me that one day.........and I will never forget it! He also told me Compass and chart that I don't need........he will take me.........and he will do the same for you too. Go to JESUS........before you call your girlfriend or family member call on JESUS first. So, when you fill pressured, go to the MORNING STAR, he is waiting for you.

Thursday, June 11, 2009


To organize your keys, paint a letter on the top of you key like F for front door, B back door, O office........

Garlic cloves between rose bushes can help prevent black spots on the leaves. Try it maybe it really works.......if did for Connie.

Eggs shells will keep slugs crushed egg shells around your plants they love and more slugs around what you treasure in your garden.

If you have lots of windows.........the more natural the light is in your room, the more washed out it will look. Try deep tones or high density tones.....All You Magazine

Take all of your sponges that are synthetic and clean on a regular basis. They grow bacteria and they start to don't have to throw them away just fill your sink with water and add a cup of bleach and soak them. All You Magazine

Make the rule in your home that shoes are left at the door..........don't allow people to walk their nasty bottom shoes on your carpets and they bring in more bacteria than a toilet set! YES. It will also keep the wear and tear down and your carpets will last much longer. I am trying to get my guests to do this but they act offended. I pray that I can move to a nice place within the next two years.....I love my place but it needs painting and carpet and when I do move NO ONE will wear shoes in my home. If people are coming to your home they should respect what you request.

I wash my clothes in cold water..........and hang to dry.....unless I don't care if it shrinks. This will keep color from fading in my opinion and keep the shrinking.

Second hand smoke can cause cancer in rats.

Coupons In Your Area

Check out and see what coupons are in your area.

Ladies Wear Red

Men are more attracted to women that wear RED. Ladies make your husbands happy and wear red........great on toes and nails.........pick up a red top.........

Coffee May Not Be Bad For You

American Journal of Epidemiology said that drinking coffee each day can lower risk of oral, esophageal and back of the throat cancer. So if you drink coffee daily you have a 49% lower risk of the above cancers. Don't take my word ask your doctor! I had a friend that died in her 40's of esophageal cancer and it hit her really fast........she never dranked coffee but sodas.

Another Reason I Hate Plastic

If you place clothes in a plastic dry cleaning bag or a clothing bag from the store.....take them out now. The fumes that are trapped inside can fade colors and your white shirts will turn yellow.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

"Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is"~~Ephesians 5:17

"Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the Spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak"~~Matthew 26:41

Debt? "The borrower is servant to the lender"~~Proverbs 22:7

"Be thou an example of believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity."~~I Timothy 4:12

"And when ye stand praying, forgive, if ye have aught against any."~~Mark 11:25

"Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly."~~Colossians 3:16

Tip: Find yourself with no sissors and you are wanting to cut paper or coupons, use a ruler. Works great, I like it better sissors.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Names And Titles of Jesus Christ

When I pray to JESUS I love call him names that he was given in the Holy Bible. I want to share some with you. I will be posting some each day until I have given all the names I have found. One of my favorites to call our Lord is "Adonai" meaning Lord, Gen 15:2 and Judges 6:15).

Advocate~~I john 2:1
Almightly~~Revelation 1:8 and I think Matthew 28:18
Alpha and Omega~~Revelation 1:8, 22:13
Amen~~Revelation 3:14
Apostle of Our Profession~~Hebrews 3:1
Atoning Sacriface For Our Sins~~I John 2:22
Author of Life~~Acts 3:15
Author and Perfector of Our Faith~~Hebrews 12:2
Author of Salvation~~Hebrews 2:10
Beginning and End~~Revelation 22:13
Blessed and Only Ruler~~I Timothy 6:15
Bread of God~~John 6:33
Bread of Life~~John 6:35; 6:48
Capstone~~Acts 4:11; I Peter 2:7
Chief Cornerstone~~ Eph. 2:20
Chief Shepherd~~I Peter 5:4

More to come tomorrow, Lord willing!

Notes From Pastor Matt's Sermon

I just love our pastor. He teaches the word.......the full gospel which is what I believe in. I believe the Holy Bible is the same yesterday, today and forver as our Lord tells us. So to me that means even the Old Testiment is still true today. Here are some notes I wrote in the last few weeks of his preaching.

"There are things we are going to have to face in our life that are bad, no way around it", Pastor Matt. JESUS is our Lord and Savior.....take those bad things to him....the pain and trial will be less with him than with the world. Victoria

"God has no shortages", Pastor Matt. Even in rough times, loss of jobs, cutbacks, food going sky high, gasoline getting so high again.......fear of utility bills, and the list goes on.........Keep in your mind that GOD OWNS EVERYTHING........others may claim it but GOD is the owner of ALL. There are no shortages.........Our savior takes care of us.........he paves a way before us. He knows our tomorrows.........if we are saved (Romans 10:8-13) he provides for us and even when I was not living in his will........JESUS still took care of me. We have GOD in the world.........when the Rapture comes.........there will be no sign of GOD at will have trouble living second by second and it is going to be horrible. So when things seem like that are running out...GOD loves you and he provides. IF WE COULD COMPREHEND HOW BIG GOD IS.........we would never worry. Psalm 23.......the Lord is my shepherd, I SHALL NOT WANT. All God owns is available to us if its by his word. Even more than we can imagine.....God still has more to give and I love where Jesus tells us I WILL NOT KEEP ONE GOOD THING FROM YOU. WHAT A WONDERFUL PROMISE!!!

God is our all consuming fire and he is ours forever........Jesus will Stand. Pastor Matt says "We can't starve ourselves spiritually and survive". We have to turn to JESUS and read the word, The Holy Bible, our guide to pleasing JESUS and living our life. Pastor Matt says, "God is already working on my tomorrow". Do not live for tomorrow as the Holy Bible tells us. God gave us this word to help us. WHAT A GLORIOUS DAY when we can forget tomorrow and think about today only. I am praying that for myself. WHAT PEACE I will have when I think nothing of tomorrow. SO much stress will be gone in my life and I will tell you that I am doing really good about TODAY........ONLY TODAY!


Fashion Tip

You can wear just clear polish on your toenails.........make sure they are in great condition....for me, I just have to paint my toenails.
My goodness, time gets away from us so fast. I can't believe it has been over 11 days since I have posted. I will be posting each day this week for sure. I was in physical therapy last Friday.......I hate exercise.......I never had to exercise, I thought, when I was very thin........I am still thin to some and with myself I am happy about my weight.........EXERCISE is a must to live healthy. It can stop disease, many of them.......I want to make exercise fun........I have always wanted to love to exercise, I just don't like it but I am working hard to make myself exercise at leasat 3 times per week and I need to walk please, even if you don't like to exercise, start today and make effort to go throughout the week.