Thursday, July 24, 2008

Visit March, April and May for prayers and scriptures

and you will find many other tips and quotes. Enjoy!

Nail Polish Tip/Makeup tips/Health

When you are applying your top coat.......apply the tip of each nail with a horizontal swipe. This should allow the tips of your nails not to chip so fast. To keep your nail polish thin and not so thick, keep in your refrigerator.

Use a brush when applying your will not run out of the lipstick so fast.

You really only need a quarter size drop of shampoo to wash your hair.....most shampoos are concentrated.

Keep your foundation fresher by adding to a sponge or the back of your hand and do not put the left overs back in the bottle. This will keep skin oils out and bacteria. I find it best to place in the palm of my hand a little foundation at a time so there is no waste.

Eat some dried Apricots each day.......dried Apricots have almost twice as much beta carotene in them and our bodies convert Apricots to vitamin A. Wow!

Eat lots of broccoli and your supposed to have a lower risk of colon cancer. I am going to have to get back to broccoli again. I loved broccoli until I was pregnant with my son 20 years ago and I have to make myself eat it now. I have to try harder. SEE how God made our food to heal our bodies? GOD IS SO GREAT. Do some research in the bible and see the foods God wanted his children to eat!

What does your hair color say about you?

Brunettes are seen as confident, blondes are seen as flirtatious and fun and redheads.....are the most intimidating!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

New Tips

When making iced tea.....add a can of frozen lemonade to the tea. You can also use pink lemonade. Top with a sprig of mint.

What to do with plastic coffee cans and also the one with the handle: use for paint, for salt or sand in the winter in the trunk of your car, use for sugar or flour or oatmeal. Use for discarding cooking oil and then place in a plastic garbage bag and place in your trash can. Cat or dog food. Dog treats or a first aid kit for your car. Comments welcome.

Use your coffee maker for making tea......add six tea bags in your filter and add the water and let seep for 20 minutes......add to gallon container with 1 and 1/3 cup of sugar.

Drizzle honey on your vanilla ice cream.

Ice cream cake--1 pound cake sliced in half the length of the your favorite ice cream in the center of the cake, cover with top of cake and add cool whip or whipping cream on top with favorite toppings.

Kool-Aid Pie
1 8oz of cool whip or whipping cream
1 14 oz can sweetened condensed milk
1 package of your favorite kool-aid unsweetened flavor
1 graham cracker crust

Mix first 3 ingredients together and pour in pie shell. Freeze for 1-2 hours and take out a few minutes before serving. Enjoy!

Did you know JESUS prayed for YOU before he died?

See John 17:20-26
Jesus loves us so much.......with our finite minds....we will never understand God's love for us...........he sent his only son to die so we can live with him forever in Heaven if we so choose and I do choose to live for Jesus Christ and with him forever and forever and forever. Instructions on how to live with Romans 10:9-13

Powerful Quick Prayers from Michael Youssef & Me-- Victoria

Heavenly Father, I only want to serve you. If I am off course, show me how to get back to the place where I belong, in JESUS name amen. I Kings 19:13

Heavenly Father, strengthen me through your HOLY SPIRIT to withstand any opposition I may face, in JESUS name amen. I Peter 5:10

Heavenly Father, give me the right perspective on my life, revealing to me that living for YOU is far better than living for myself, in JESUS name, amen.

Heavenly Father, reveal the power of praise to me today, helping me to experience the overwhelming hope that comes when I praise YOU. Praise you Lord.......thank you father for loving me and caring for me, in JESUS name, amen. Psalm 31:24

Heavenly Father, please open the eyes of my heart so that I can discern YOUR truth. Thank you Lord, in JESUS name, amen. Acts 17:22-23

Heavenly Father, please remind me of YOUR goodness and greatness today when I get discouraged, and help me make praise to you a regular part of my life, in JESUS name, amen.

Heavenly Father, thank you for your love because it drives the darkness of the world away from me, in JESUS name amen. Psalm 139:12

Heavenly Father, thank YOU that YOU know my future and will provide for me throughout my years, in JESUS name, amen. Psalm 71:5

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Lemonade Pie

1 graham cracker crust--set aside

1-6 0z. frozen lemonade concentrate
1-14 oz. sweetened condensed milk, chilled
1-12 oz thawed whipping cream or whipped topping
Candied lemon peel

In a medium bowl, add chilled sweetened condensed milk and cool whip, fold gently and add frozen lemonade folding gently. Don't let the mixture get soupy. Pour in graham cracker crust and freeze for two hours! Top with Candied Lemon Peel.

Recipe from Look for the Neeleys..........they are from Memphis.


Relax and give your care to Jesus.......An oyster mends itself with a pearl.......hold on....your pearl is on the way! Victoria

Want to tithe and don't know where to start? Fellowship of Christians and and google and send money for $15 food boxes or for help to send Jews back to their home, Israel. You will have a special feeling in your heart.

Don't forget to thank JESUS for all he has done for you today and in the past!


It is so hot outside........Please pick up a hummingbird feeder so these precious birds can have fuel to function. Use one cup of sugar and three cups of water........mix and place in feeder and you will enjoy these precious beauties until September and maybe November. I do heat my sugar in one cup of water on low to melt and then I add the two additional cups of water.

Free Foods

Yes, you can eat these foods and not feel guilty or gain weight.
Alfalfa sprouts, Arugula, Asparagus, Bamboo shoots, Bean sprouts, Bibb lettuce, Bok choy, Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, Cabbage, red and green, Cauliflower, Celery, Cilantro, Cucumbers, Dill pickles (watch the salt), Endive, Garlic, Kale, Kohlrabi, Mushrooms, Mustard greens, Onions (not the sweet ones), Parsley, Peppers, red, green, yellow, and orange, Radishes, Romaine lettuce, Sauerkraut, Scallions, Snow Peas, Spinach, Summer squash, Watercress, and Zucchini.

FREE Flavorings--Lemon juice and Yellow mustard. ENJOY these great veggies!

Monday, July 21, 2008

How does your bank rate?

Visit You can scroll down to the questions of how your bank rates and this will give you information. I still think its a great idea to keep some cash on hand and of course your vehicles on full.


We had a wonderful service yesterday on Fear.........I want to share some of my notes. Facing Fear......hit it head on by the word of God......fear makes our decisions for us. Satan lies about hurry to do this and that....even marriage....these lies even tells us when we are in a relationship or hurrying to find a relationship to marry the first one there may not be another mate in our life....these rush decisions is a push from satan.....(victoria)........We are held in grip of fear and it makes us make bad decisions. When we make decisions in fear we don't make sensible decisions. Our way of thinking is impaired (victoria). Trouble comes our way due to fear (Pastor Matt). I have said for years........DON'T make permanent decisions on temporary situations. Don't make permanent decisions based on fear (Pastor Matt). When we have fear of failure we don't trust ourselves or the Lord. Fear offers bad mistakes. Fear can rip our emotions and it can make us settle for less than what GOD wants for us. LORD, Please protect me from me, (Pam). Here are scriptures for you to review.

Eph: 4 , John 17, 2 Timothy 1:7, Psalm 34:4, Matthew 22, Matthew 21, we are the salt of the earth Matthew 5:13, 2 Corinth. 6:14, Matthew 10:1.

Fear can cause us to settle for second best and God wants us to have the best. Trouble in the world...Jesus has overcome the world. God wants us to overcome! Don't instill fear instill wisdom. Prescription for Fear......If we live on the word.......we do not live in fear! Paul in the Holy Bible calls fear a bind that spirit of fear to the pits of hell where it JESUS name. If you think fear is in your mind---you will fight in the natural realm----------fear is a spiritual battle. Don't give satan place in your life and thoughts........bind the bad thoughts in JESUS name to the pits of hell where it belongs. As a born again Christian and believer in God and Jesus Christ, satan has no right over us unless we give into his lies. Don't give satan a legal right yes I said LEGAL right to come over you or in your life. Shut the door of fear! Heal me Lord from all my fears in Jesus name, Amen.

Don't operate your life in fear. Fear is satan. Step out of fear into faith.

Recheck your daily lifestyles. Are they pleasing to JESUS? Even hording up is fear. BELIEVE THE WORD MORE THAN your feelings...........LIVING IN FAITH leaves no room for fear!

Give your worries to Jesus and you will have comfort.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Tips worth knowing

When you receive catalogs and toss them sure to take out the order form and back page and shred.........that has information already on their computers and if you reorder a lot of companies keep your credit card on file.......anyone can order.

It really works.......if you start a kitchen fire on your burners due to oil spill, etc. take vinegar and pour on a kitchen towel and ring out..........go through the area waving the towel and your odor will vanish almost to nothing.......this really works...

If you have a fire from oil on your electric burner........grab your flour and it will put out the flame........but hurry because the fire will spread very fast without the flour.

Painting? Use a cap full of vanilla into one gallon of paint and you will not smell the harsh odors of paint. This really works. All my tips do!

THE BEST FOODS we need to eat each day or as much as you can!
Beets that are raw and fresh...
Cabbage that is raw
Swiss Chard
Cinnamon...sprinkle on oatmeal
Promegranate Juice buy the POM, it is worth it for your health
Goji Berries
Dried Plum
Pumpkin Seeds

1 diet soda a day can increase your risk of becomming PREDIABETIC! Do not drink these drinks or use artificial sweetners at all! Bad on the brain too.