Saturday, March 8, 2008


Beauty Tips that work for me and others: Some tips are by Diane Irons
Lips have three components: Pigment, Emollients and Waxes.
Pigment determines the color.
Emollients carry the pigments to the lips.
Waxes gives the lipstick shape.
The formula~~matte, creamy, and stain. Matte is a flat look. This can be drying to the lips.
Creamy is just as it states. Gives the most coverage and looks great when first applied. Stain, does have moisturizing ingredients. Stain only gives a tint of color and wears off very fast.

Use a neutral lip pencil before applying you lipstick. Using a lipstick brush will allow your lipstick to stay on longer.

To change the color of any lipstick, apply yellow eye shadow on the lips as a primer. This will make any color warmer. Make sure the eye shadow is safe to put on your lips. Needs to be natural.

Create your own lipsticks by mixing other colors. Many times the lipstick I am wearing is from mixing.

If you lipstick bleeds, apply lipstick first and then line over the lips to set. This is harder to apply this way.

Always apply gloss to the center of your top lip for a more pouty lip.

A little red or orange in the center of your lips makes them look fuller too.

Here is a tip for darker colors.......after applying your lipstick, pucker lips into an extreme O. Cover your finger in a tissue, and poke it into your mouth. Twist away any excess color that will always end up on your teeth. This really works.

If your lips are not balanced then use a lighter colored lipstick on the smaller lip.

To keep lipstick on while you are eating, keep lips off the silverware. Use your lower teeth and tongue to do the work......(I hope you find a man that does not care that you don't always wear lipstick, haha).

Don't be in a hurry and perform these tasks: Liquid eyeliner, false eyelashes (who wears those?), plucking eyebrows, lip liner and foundation. Always check your foundation at a window or bright light to make sure its even. I always go to the door to check my foundation. It always look different when you are out of the poweder room.

Bronzer is really great but you have to be really careful you apply wisely. I think you whole body needs to be taned to really look great. If it is then you can apply as eye shadow, finishing powder for lips, it can soften eye brows, and bronzer is a great powder to set your makeup.

Mascara~~discard in three months and if you keep in your month it needs to go to rubbish. The heat can cause the bacteria to grow even faster and never ever add water to your mascara and do not PUMP your mascara wand.......getting air into the container will cause bacteria to grow fast. To me the mascara brush needs to line up with your lashes. If you have very thick lashes you would use a different mascara brush than someone who has sparse lashes.

Powder~~I can't really wear powder the way I use to since I am older. Brush powder only in the center of your face........your sides rarely need it.

If you are wearing white......keep a piece of chalk in your purse or glove can cover the stain with chalk but I would only use if I were going to be seeing people from a distance. Like giving a speech. Haha If you get a fast pimple use eye drops that relieves can help with the pimple causing the redness to disappear.

If you are around the house and need a scrunchie, cut a leg from old pantyhose and use that to tie you hair with. (Just remember to remove before you leave your home.) If you loose a piece of jewelry or the back of your earring........get a pair of hose that has runners in it and put on the end of your vaccuum hose and you will find your missing piece and it will stay on the end as long as the vaccuum is on.

If you loose the back of your earring and can't find the missing post cover, use an eraser. This will take care of you until you can replace the missing pieces.

Hair spray can help stop runs in your panty hose. Be careful if you have sensitive skin.

If you have any teething rings from your children, you can freeze and put them on your eye to reduce puffiness and give the appearance of well rested eyes. Be careful not to get your eyes to cold and use this at your own risk.

Always keep double sided tape in your glove box in case your hem falls. Can also take other things on clothing.

I use a toothbrush to lightly brush my lips to remove chapped skin and it does plump my lips for 3 minutes......haha

Beauty, so much more to come! I will share as look back at my journals and things I read that most don't have time for.

Soon I will be talking all about the ART OF SHAVING! Yes, shaving legs can be a nice ritual.

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