Saturday, March 22, 2008

Notes From My Heart~~Victoria

I can't make ladies have their mamogram, I can only give a suggestion and resource. My friends daughter died yesterday, on Easter........she is now with Jesus and of course would not want to come back. She was 46 and started getting really sick March 3 or 4.....her cancer started with the breast and moved to the bone and liver. She died less than 30 days. Her mother had breast cancer in the 80's.......she never had a mamogram due to insurance. are in control of your bodies here on earth as far as taking care of yourself. Please.....take the simple mamogram.
For help: 1-800-877-670-CARE..........schedule yours today. This source should give you a free mamogram.

Saving your change will probably give you enough in one year to pay for your mamogram.

Grace~~Gracefulness has been defined to be the outward expression of the inward harmony of the soul.~~WIlliam Hazlitt

Gifts are what a man has, but Graces are what a man is~~R.W. Robertson

A smile may only take a moment to impart, but the memory of it can last forever. Likewise, a word of forgiveness or a heartfelt apology costs nothing, yet its rewards are great. For those who receive it are the richer without making poorer of those who give. Forgiveness is everything. Grace is beauty.

To handle yourself, use your handle others, use your heart!

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