Sunday, November 2, 2008


We are so close to the end of the has been a fast one. If we are saved we know to give JESUS "Thank yous" each day. For those of you who do not.......I hope you take the time each day to raise your hands and give praise to our savior Jesus Christ! If you start right now in this month of Thanksgiving for the USA........I do believe you will start a habit to give thanks all the time for everythingin your life and we are to even praise him in our sad times and times of trouble knowing that JESUS will cover us. I met a lady yesterday that was so weary.......hurt and felt broken........I know GOD put us together. She came to our church KidsFest.... I was opening clear bags so the cotton candy could be sealed.........her precious children came and I felt she needed prayer..........we started conversation and then I could see the exhaustion and sadness in her life........she is saved.........praise the Lord...if I never see her again I will see her in heaven..."We will know as we were known".......that is a promise from our Lord. We prayed and I know God is going to do something wonderful in her life.......please say a prayer for Angelia.......that she will be refreshed physically....she has no family.......and she is raising her two kids alone........her mother is states away and very sick.........I know JESUS is with her and she will be better. I suggested that she make a list of everything.......everything she is thankful for in her life.......and give JESUS the praise for all he has done for her. I am also suggesting to each of you to make a list of all your blessings........because we both prayed together JESUS was in the midst of us. Jesus loves us so much he does not leave us. I pray that during the month of November you will give JESUS praise for all your blessings and that your praise and thanksgiving will last each day for the rest of your life..............Have fun this month and if you are going to be alone on Thanksgiving........go visit those who have no one........and you will have a great day!

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