Monday, November 10, 2008

More Fun Tips

Thanks to All You Magazine.....I want to share these tips with you.....their material with my own writing added.

Look outside for even 60 seconds and when the sun shines it signals your brain that it is time to be up and alert.....this will lift you out of a slump.......Better yet, try standing in the sun a minute if nothing else.

Tea has theanine, an amino acid that revs brain activity, leaving you feel renewed.

Eating purple grapes boosts immune function, speeding the healing of pimples and other skin lesions. Pomegranate's ellagic acid protects skin cells from UV light.

Dark chocolate protect against airborne pollutants.

Know someone epecting a baby? Tell them that eating nuts during pregnancy raises your child's risk for asthma by almost 50%....(American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine). Now they told me to eat nuts when I was pregant in 1989.....things change!

Eating raisins contain phytochemicals that stifle the growth of cavity causing bacteria.

Risk for arthritis? Just eat half a grapefruit, one kiwi, four ounces of orange juice or any other fruit packed with vitamin C........vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that mops us free radicals before they can damage joint tissue, from the book The Arthritis Cure by Dr. Theodosakis.

Conserve your gas.....Check your gas cap. Gas can evaporte right of of your tank. It happens if your gas cap is leaky, broken, or loose. Look at the inside of your it dry? Is it cracked? If so then replace with a new one........chcek with your dealer or Walmart or Sears or auto parts. Check tire pressure and air filter. If you drive 55 miles an hour on the highway, you use 10% less fuel than those who drive 10 miles faster.....this way you are sure to save gas and not get a speeding ticket!

Washing your clothes on "permanent press" can use 5 more gallons per wash than the regular cycle. If you have really nice clothes then to me its worth the price. Using permanent press on some washing machines gives an extra rinse.

Don't put your kitchen sink faucet on full blast when washing vegetables or fruit.....a gallon of water goes to waste each minute.......cut down to the size of a pencil and rinse this way saving water.

If you have room and use tablecloths.......install a curtain rod in the back of your closet to hang tablecloths and they will always be crease free.

Save the life of your razor.....carefully dry the blade after each use. Water oxidizes the metal on the blade, causing corrosion that makes the blade blunt and jaggerd..Thank you ALL YOU MAG.

Be sure when you take your clothes from the washer to shake them. I hang my things to dry....I only use the dryer for things that will not shrink and also before I put them in the hleps to keep from fading, stretching, pilling, damage.

You get a better deal on buying a vehicle on a rainy day; salesmen are more likely to lower the price and if the price is not what you want.....walk away........leave them your telephone number.

Surveys have shown, I don't know which ones, employees who ask for a specific salary instead of just saying they "want more money" are more likely to get a raise! Hummmmm pray about this first and I would tell them why Ideserve the raise........don't take my word though....

Wear your best shoes in job a new survey and I don't know the survey, 70% of all interviewers admitted to checking out a job seekers shoes to find out more about them, Hummm, I guess this is why I always looked a men's shoes before I went out with them...did they have my taste and do they have style? "lol". The best way to know someone before you go out with them is to watch and see if they are a Christian and let them tell you how they feel about JESUS and the bible. Always pray for God to send you the person he wants for you.

Another job search suggestion~~when your potential boss asks if you have any questions, say WHAT QUALITIES DO YOUR Most SUCCESSFUL EMPLOYEES HAVE? Another survey??? found that 98% of employers think more highly of job seekers who ask this question. WHY??? It not only makes you appear motivated, but the answer lets you know exactly what the interviewer is looking for---so you can taylor your future responses to come across as even more qualified. Best of luck.....I have always been blessed with my personality........I usually turned the interview around and got them to tell me more and I asked the questions....I guess that showed them I was motivated and I thought about things deeply and was careful about my decisions........but not everyone can do this. I am not suggesting you do this.

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