Friday, June 19, 2009

Friday's Tips

***Use coffee filter grinds to scrub dish pans.
***Trade coupons with friends.
***Exfoliate your body using sugar...........I would use almond oil with sugar mix and use.
***Use clear mascara for brows to hold.
***Use your carboard from the paper towel and push store plastic grocery bags inside and place under your car seat for when you need to discard rubbish in your car.
***Use WD40 for soap scum and stains off your glass shower. (I have not tried this).
***Use coffee filters for polishing shoes.
***Use coffee filters to seperate dishes.
***Use coffee filtersto cover food while cooking in microwave. ALWAYS USE THE BROWN COFFEE FILTERS..........the white ones have bleach in tasting coffee use the brown coffee filters for no bitter taste.

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