Thursday, October 2, 2008


Here are things I found in All You and Woman's World to share. Many women are so busy they don't have time to read and find I hope you enjoy and can use these.

*Baby shampoo~~use to wash your makeup brushes.......I have also used gentle soap.....or all natural cleaning soaps.
*Cotton swabs~~keep a few Q-tips in the bottom of our cosmetic bag~~they will absorb spills and powders.
*Toothbrushes~~I use to clean around my sinks..also great for scraping offyour eyelash curler. Be very careful with eyelash curlers not to brake off and damage you lashes. I quit using mine about 25 years ago.
*My friend was told by her hair stylist that you have to make sure your cut matches your face. i.e. if you have a large nose then don't wear your hair in a cut that stops at your jaw law. Your nose will appear even bigger. I did not know make sure you really research your next new doo.
*A lady told me a few days ago.......chicken soup and broth is for colds and flu........if you are sick to your stomach you need a beef broth.......or beef veggie soup. That makes so much wonder when my stomach was upset the chicken broth or soup did nothing for me........Keep beef broth in your cabinets.
*If you are congested and have a slight fever, that is probably a cold. A cough, aches, exhaustion and higher fever usually means the flu.
*Feed a fever and starve a cold~~WRONG....if you feel up to it, you should eat. Your immune system is already weakened, eating right is essential to fighting off an infection.
*Going outside with a wet head will not make you sick. You have to be exposed to an actual virus in order to get a cold. Nevertheless....step outside with dry hair; the stress of getting chilled can take a toll on your immune system. I have to get something to go over my head.
*Make hamburgers fun by using cookie cutters to cut your cheese slices and add to burger.
*Toast some chopped walnuts, almonds, pecans or coconut (unsweetened) and add to your favorite pancake or waffle or muffin batter.
*Try chopped hazelnuts in your brownie mix, ground almonds in pie crust. Try sliced almonds with green beans, pecans in rice pilaf or pine nuts with broccoli. Yummy!
*If strawberries are out of season, make your salads with dried cherries or dried cranberries.
*Homemade granola makes a nice hostess gift in you place in a jar with beautiful ribbons.
*Slipcover for sofa, being freshly washed, place back on the sofa while its slightly damp....very little damp and it will mold to the right size of the sofa.
*Add flowers to a nice toothbrush holder putting the flowers in the holes.....pretty instant flower vase.
*Study shows that people spend 12-18% more when paying with a credit card than they do when spending cash. Here is a simple way to save money on each purchase. Put that savings in your piggy bank.
*Don't carry a lot of cash with you.....and don't use your credit or debt cards. Make a budget of your spending.
*If you take your care in for regular tune-ups, you will improve your gas mileage by up to 40%.
*I save my change.....if something cost $1.02 I give $2 and then save the change. That is how I have my hair styled. Next year I will be saving my change for one year and see how much I mount up.
*You can go to ( and unsubscribe from the catalogs you don't need. This will stop a lot of clutter for you.
*Drive 10 miles slower and you will increase your fuel efficiency by around 15%.
*Before making a purchase make sure you really want or need it. Go home and wait 24-48 hours and if you really still want it and can afford it then go buy it. One time I found beautiful rose stain glass night lights on and was really trying to watch my money.......they were over half off and you got this day..........I still want those and it has been 3 years. I should have bought them.
*Look at Sam's for coats and jackets and tops for women and men. I badly needed a lined coat for the Spring and Fall and found a London Fog coat that was lined.......for use in Spring andFall in black for $ Macy's it was $99 or $129........what a deal. (Victoria)
*If you have to drink out of a plastic water bottle.....turn upside down and if you see a triangle and have a bottle containing BPA.......don't drink from it.
*Don't boil and put into plastics. The containers made with BPA release a substance 55 times faster when filled with very hot water or soups, etc.
* Plastic wrap does not contain BPA but it does contain other chemicals that could be released if exposed to heat. I love frozen food by Cedar Lane and Amy's. They have their food in paper cartons but I still do not heat the plastic that cover it..I remove and put on a plate when I microwave and don't like using a microwave either.....I sure don't stand near on when its on.
*Only use pastic bottles with the number 2 on it. Ones made of Opaque.....the light weight bottles that most drinking water is in at the grocery store are BPA free, but don't reuse them at all.
*Ask your favorite store when they mark down. Some store start marking down on Saturday night.

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