Thursday, August 21, 2008

Prayer Time

Yesterday I was reading in the Holy Bible and came upon:

"Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the Lord our Maker, for he is our GOD and we are the people of his pasture, the flock under his care".----Psalm 95:6-7

We all have busy lives even if we work from our home with children or have no children at home.....we are caught up in a busy day. By having cell phones a person really does not even get much of a break. I think about the days before all this TECH stuff and how life was less stressful. I don't think all this technology has made things easier but more work upon most.

Jesus loves our prayers...he loves to hear from us with thanksgiving and our praise and give him glory for who he is and all he has done for us. SO, this scripture laid heavy on my heart........DO WE BOW TO JESUS in prayer? He hears our praises and prayers of course...even if we are sitting or standing.........I pray a lot each day.....but how many times do we get on our knees and bow to him......just to praise him? To bow to him to honor him........Faiths around the world that don't pray to the GOD we serve bow in respect and in their prayers......that is how much they love and believe in their non-existent GOD and yet ours is alive..........I can tell you now I will be on my knees bowing to JESUS more than ever before. He is our master and creator.....he is our life.......he is our friend.....have we taken JESUS for granted that we know he knows we love him yet we don't stop to BOW TO OUR KING........if we were to visit a country with a king you were going to meet you would bow to that king.

Our KING is THE KING. We owe him such respect that we all should bow each day when we go before him. GOD is almighty as you know and if we are saved we love him with all our heart. We can't even fathom God's love for us and JESUS died for one would do that for us........he gives us life forever........Jesus knows I don't disrespect him.........I love him with all my heart but I also adore him and he is my KING and I am going to bow before him like the scripture says...........I do bow for some prayers.....but I am going to bow when I worship him too......GOD is so loving.......he understands we get busy but we should never be too busy to stop and bow to our King.......I hope this will inspire you to bow to our KING if you are not doing so.

1 comment:

Miss Myra said...

NAMASTE' meaning I bow to you.
Used by many religious groups as a salutation or in YOGA as an expression of respect and good will.
I found this in a jewelry catalog on a necklace with this description.
It sort of falls in line with your entry, thought you might find it interesting, so thought I would share.
GOD Bless-Miss Myra~