Monday, July 7, 2008

Tips worth knowing

When you receive catalogs and toss them sure to take out the order form and back page and shred.........that has information already on their computers and if you reorder a lot of companies keep your credit card on file.......anyone can order.

It really works.......if you start a kitchen fire on your burners due to oil spill, etc. take vinegar and pour on a kitchen towel and ring out..........go through the area waving the towel and your odor will vanish almost to nothing.......this really works...

If you have a fire from oil on your electric burner........grab your flour and it will put out the flame........but hurry because the fire will spread very fast without the flour.

Painting? Use a cap full of vanilla into one gallon of paint and you will not smell the harsh odors of paint. This really works. All my tips do!

THE BEST FOODS we need to eat each day or as much as you can!
Beets that are raw and fresh...
Cabbage that is raw
Swiss Chard
Cinnamon...sprinkle on oatmeal
Promegranate Juice buy the POM, it is worth it for your health
Goji Berries
Dried Plum
Pumpkin Seeds

1 diet soda a day can increase your risk of becomming PREDIABETIC! Do not drink these drinks or use artificial sweetners at all! Bad on the brain too.

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