Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Powerful Quick Prayers from Michael Youssef & Me-- Victoria

Heavenly Father, I only want to serve you. If I am off course, show me how to get back to the place where I belong, in JESUS name amen. I Kings 19:13

Heavenly Father, strengthen me through your HOLY SPIRIT to withstand any opposition I may face, in JESUS name amen. I Peter 5:10

Heavenly Father, give me the right perspective on my life, revealing to me that living for YOU is far better than living for myself, in JESUS name, amen.

Heavenly Father, reveal the power of praise to me today, helping me to experience the overwhelming hope that comes when I praise YOU. Praise you Lord.......thank you father for loving me and caring for me, in JESUS name, amen. Psalm 31:24

Heavenly Father, please open the eyes of my heart so that I can discern YOUR truth. Thank you Lord, in JESUS name, amen. Acts 17:22-23

Heavenly Father, please remind me of YOUR goodness and greatness today when I get discouraged, and help me make praise to you a regular part of my life, in JESUS name, amen.

Heavenly Father, thank you for your love because it drives the darkness of the world away from me, in JESUS name amen. Psalm 139:12

Heavenly Father, thank YOU that YOU know my future and will provide for me throughout my years, in JESUS name, amen. Psalm 71:5

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