Sunday, March 8, 2009


It was 32 years ago tonight that my mother in law Doris Jean Coston was murdered. Each year I think of this time. I think of the lady that murdered her wondering how she is doing. I forgave her.....I don't know if my former husband and former brother in law have forgiven her but I have. I pray that she knows JESUS and is living for him. Each year on this day I think about my former husband and his brother and the horrible pain we had. I know wherever they are....they of course remember this day too. They may think I have forgotten but I never will.

For some, the death of a loved one creates other deaths. Doris' dad died about one year later. The pain was too hard for him to contain. That tragic evening a few minutes after 7:10pm changed lives forever. We all lost that day. I know Doris is with the Lord and she was the most wonderful mother in law to me. She really loved me. She had great means and I was poor.....and she took me in to her family. That is a real love. I miss her. She had plans for me. She wanted me to be a lawyer. She said I would make a good one. She believed in me when I did not believe in myself. JESUS DOES HEAL THE BROKEN HEARTED!

Today at church, my pastor preached on LOSS.......He read from Isaiah 61:1-4. That talks about setting the captives free.......comfort for the brokenhearted and prisoners will be freed. We are prisoners of pain and hurt and heartache. JESUS sets us free if we will let him. God will give beauty for ashes. JOY instead of mourning. PRAISE instead of dispair.

Jesus weeps with us. When we cry HE crys. JESUS is so our needs and he does cry with us. What Joy that should bring in knowing that we do not walk alone if we are children of GOD. Jesus welcomes us with love........abundant love.......more than we can ever imagine.

Pastor Matt said today, "God has better plans for us than us just making it". The Joy of the Lord is our STRENGTH. Pastor Matt said "Open up your hand and let go" of the bitterness, grief, and mourning. Pastor Matt said "JESUS WILL GIVE US A NEW IDENTITY". He said "The TREE of Righteousness".......A new identity to be planted.....roots that go very very very deep. Not like the trees with roots above ground". GOD can rebuild the devestated places. After we have healed to keep going....then we share with others about loss and talk with them about how JESUS rescued us. Lean on JESUS........he is the builder..........No loss is too devastating for God to mend. Praise YOU JESUS CHRIST.........


rodcoston said...

Hello Vicky,

Miss you kiddo.

Rod Coston

Life With Victoria said...

Hello Rod.......I have not been on my site for a long time....then I saw your message the other day. I do think about you often and I know you are enjoying your retirement. Praying great things for your children and family. It has been so long.....blessings to you.

Mesto said...

How weird to read this years later after Rod passed.

Life With Victoria said...

Rod Jr. was my husband that I loved so much and we had to bear the pain of this murder. We did not last as the torture was too much and so many families were broken. My husband that I had to divorce two years after the death of Doris jean coston hurt us both but it was so toxic. He did ask me for forgiveness and I forgave him for all the beatings after we found out who killed her as I was his punching bag and to find out he died maybe over two years ago was sad to me. Life snuffed out so young. I have forgiven all that were involved in the murder years ago but I have lost a part of me. This year will be the 40th anniversary of her death. Rod just could not shake it and every year on march 8 at 7:10 pm we remember who walked in innocent and killed her. I wonder if the murderer remembers the day?

Ann Parker said...

I am wondering if this Rod Coston is the son of a Rod Coston who was an American Airlines pilot. He died in 1997 I believe. I've heard the story of her murder but didn't know who had killed her. I've tried to read old newspapers but cannot read them on my phone. Would you be willing to share with me? Thanks. Ann Parker